Avoiding Overconfidence

Avoiding Overconfidence

Confidence is defined as the faith or trust that people has towards other people and thing. This confidence that a person might have in another person is normally beyond his control. To cite an example, you might be confident in the city police or authorities to protect you, or might exercise confidence that your favorite team will be the winner of an important game.

Faith is synonymous with confidence in these cases

If you are self-confident, then you are confident in yourself and your abilities. Self-confidence is simply your faith and trust in your own capabilities. People with ample self-confidence normally have little or no fear of what lies ahead. If you are self-confident, you will stand up and fight for what you believe in, and will have the face to confront challenges. For instance, a self-confident person will easily handle doing a presentation to a group of listeners. One who has self-confidence is not reckless, brash, or loud about his confidence.

On the other hand, overconfidence is possessing confidence in an unmerited way; such person believes that he is capable of doing something when he is actually not. Where there is no presence of anxiety in a person, he will have the tendency to become reckless because to overconfidence. Life, and everything about it, to an overconfident person appears to be unbelievably rosy and easy. If you are overconfident, you do not see the necessity of considering every possible result of your action. You seem sure what the outcome of you actions will be.

Develop a more natural confidence

Many of us have the tendency to pretend that we are confident when we are not, to the point when we appear to be unpleasantly overconfident to others. Remember the saying “Feign some confidence until you make it, but not to the extent of irritating or negatively affecting others” or something to this effect? The key is not to overdo your confidence. You should know it yourself if you are already exercising overconfidence. And you definitely know you are being overconfident by the people’s reaction when you deal with them.

You must understand that coming across as an overconfident person will most likely have a negative effect on the people that you are interacting with. Instead of winning the trust and confident of other people, you will just turn them off and keep them away, with them possibly shunning from you for good.

Mellow down with your confidence by accepting or recognizing that you have made a mistake or done something that is inept in your course of interaction with people; surely you will win their hearts and trust if you are more true to yourself, try to accept your own errors and even laugh at them and not take yourself and your confidence very seriously. People can sense if your confidence is fake or you are just overdoing it. It is better if you exude enough confidence that your people, and you yourself, can handle.

It should be remember that by being overconfident, you definitely would come across as someone who is egotistical or self-absorbed. Hence, this will make you look unpleasantly unbecoming to other. Develop the confidence that is more natural and sincere. Possessing such kind of confidence will make you as a person more likable, approachable and most importantly, believable.

Trusting oneself leads to true confidence

Trust yourself and your own abilities. Most people who have doubt about themselves and their capabilities either lack the necessary confidence or exercise extreme confidence in order to make up for the lack of trust in themselves.

People can sense if you doubt yourself and just struggling to try to influence them. No amount of overconfidence can hide or erase this perception of other people about you.

Develop your trust in yourself. It is best to trust your abilities in making smart and simple decisions and formulating great ideas. Avoid doubting and questioning the decision that you make. Trusting yourself makes you feel an empowered and self-sufficient person. True self-trust leads to confidence without overdoing it. Unlike the overconfident person that you were when you are reckless in your actions and decision just to exude it, you are now more able to face a person or situation with just the right amount of confidence.

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